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Configuring and managing your server

Java Extra Params explications

Also known as Java flags or JVM arguments, are a powerful tool for Minecraft server administrators to optimize and fine-tune their server's performance. Running a Minecraft server can be resource-intensive, and these parameters provide a way to configure the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the server, enabling server administrators to address various performance issues and improve overall server stability.

Java parameters can affect memory management, garbage collection, CPU usage, and more, ultimately allowing administrators to enhance their server's performance and provide a smoother gameplay experience for players. While there are numerous Extra Java parameters available, each one has its specific purpose and should be used with caution. It is essential to understand the role of each parameter and test its effects on the server before applying it to a production environment.

In this guide, we will introduce some of the most popular and widely-used Extra Java parameters for Minecraft server hosting, including FmlQueryConfirm, FmlQueryCancel, CustomGC, AgressiveMemory, PmlJavaAgentCore, SevTechArgs, and AikarArgs. By understanding the functionality of these parameters and implementing them appropriately, server administrators can unlock the full potential of their Minecraft servers and create an enjoyable gaming experience for their users.

FmlQueryConfirm: This parameter is used to automatically confirm the Forge Mod Loader (FML) queries during server startup. It prevents the server from pausing and prompting the user to confirm certain actions, such as adding or removing mods, by automatically accepting the changes. It can be helpful in automating the server startup process and minimizing manual interventions.

FmlQueryCancel: This parameter is the counterpart to FmlQueryConfirm. It automatically cancels any FML prompts during server startup, effectively rejecting any changes or actions that require user confirmation. It is useful when you want to maintain a strict server configuration and prevent any unexpected alterations.

CustomGC: This parameter allows you to specify custom Garbage Collection (GC) settings for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running your Minecraft server. By fine-tuning the GC settings, you can optimize the server's memory usage and potentially reduce lag or performance issues associated with memory management.

AgressiveMemory: This parameter enables aggressive memory management settings for the JVM, aiming to minimize memory usage and improve server performance. It optimizes the memory allocation process and garbage collection, which may result in a smoother gameplay experience. However, it may also cause memory-related issues in some cases, so it should be used with caution.

PmlJavaAgentCore: This parameter is used to enable the PML Java Agent Core, which is a performance monitoring tool for Minecraft servers. It provides detailed metrics and analysis of server performance, allowing server administrators to identify potential bottlenecks and optimize server settings accordingly.

SevTechArgs: This set of parameters is specifically designed for the SevTech: Ages modpack, which is a popular Minecraft modpack with a heavy focus on progression and exploration. The SevTechArgs include optimized Java settings that help enhance the performance of the modpack by reducing lag, improving memory management, and addressing other performance-related issues.

AikarArgs: These parameters, proposed by Aikar, a Minecraft server administrator, are a collection of Java flags that aim to optimize server performance by tweaking the JVM's garbage collection settings. They are designed to reduce server lag, especially during peak times, by balancing the memory usage and garbage collection processes. AikarArgs are widely used by many Minecraft server administrators and are considered a reliable set of parameters for improving server performance.

Customized: Select this entry, if you asked the support to configure your own parameters.

Keep in mind that each Minecraft server and modpack may have unique requirements, so it's essential to test and adjust these parameters according to your server's specific needs. Always monitor server performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure the best possible gameplay experience for your users.