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Minecraft Snapshot 24w35a Review

Sep 10, 2024 · 3 min read

Minecraft Snapshot 24W35A introduces several updates aimed at refining gameplay mechanics and fixing various bugs. Here's a breakdown of the key changes and fixes:

New Experimental Features

Bundles: The way items are selected from Bundles has been simplified to scrolling only, removing the previous option of using number keys due to conflicts with hotkeys.

Changes to Village Raids

Raiders must now spawn within 96 blocks vertically of a village center, ensuring more reliable raid initiations. This reduces the likelihood of raiders failing to find a valid spawn location.

Technical Changes

Data Pack Version Update: The Data Pack version is now updated to 51.

Trial Spawner Customization: Trial Spawner configurations are now easier to customize via data packs. These spawners are also associated with normal_config and ominous_config fields.

Loot Table Adjustments: Sheep and Mooshrooms now have more streamlined loot tables. For example, the sheep's mutton and wool drops are now controlled through a unified loot table system.

Bug Fixes

Minecraft Snapshot 24W35A brings essential fixes, improving Redstone lamps visibility on maps and fixing Drowned mob behavior in shallow water. Trader Llamas now attack hostile mobs. Beehive bugs have been resolved, ensuring proper honey levels, while Raiders spawn correctly, and Observers detect Redstone changes again.

Bundles now use scrolling for selecting items, avoiding hotkey conflicts. Other fixes include Soul Speed resetting, Creepers destroying vehicles incorrectly, and adjustments to sheep and mooshroom loot tables, improving gameplay stability and performance.

How to Access the Snapshot

To install Snapshot 24W35A, open the Minecraft Launcher, enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab, and create a new profile. Be sure to back up your worlds, as testing snapshots can cause corruption or issues with your save files.

For a full list of changes and bug fixes in Minecraft Snapshot 24W35A, visit the official Minecraft website.