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Configuring and managing your server

How to change your Minecraft server version

it's important to understand the benefits of changing your Minecraft server version. It's common to find that after hosting a server for some time, the same configuration can become tedious. This is where the ability to change versions can be beneficial, allowing you to keep yourself and your community engaged with the server.

Switching a server version can seem like a daunting task, especially when considering the numerous configurations, files, and more that need to be added. However, with the easy-to-use dropdown menu on our server panel, accessing our large selection of Minecraft versions and other games is just a few clicks away.

To help you get started, we created a step-by-step tutorial on how to change your Minecraft server version. With our tutorial, you can easily and quickly switch between Minecraft versions, keeping your server fresh and engaging for you and your community. Whether you're looking to try out a different version of Minecraft, our server panel makes it simple to do so.



For Modpacks you will need to have a specific launcher: 

FTB launcher,  ATLauncherTECHNIC launcher, VoidLauncherCURSE Launcher

For Vanilla, Snapshot, Craftbukkit, Spigot... You just need Minecraft Launcher
For Forge and Cauldron you need to have a client-side Forge installed =>


Backup your server files

Before making any changes to your server, it is always recommended to make a backup of your server files in case something goes wrong during the process. You can do this by following this guide.


Change your Minecraft Server Version

1. Navigate to "Versions" on your panel

2. Select the category your want, or

3. Search a Minecraft release or modpack to install in search tab.

4. Select the version you want

5. And click on "REINSTALL" to confirm and begin the installation

6. Click on Play button on the top on the panel to start your server.

If your server doesn't start, try to change Java version from 8 to 17 on "Settings" panel or read console to find what. The versions after 1.17 need Java17 to works, and Java 8 before.


Potential issues

  1. Insufficient memory allocation: Minecraft modpacks require a lot of memory, and if your server plan isn't allocating enough memory, it can cause the game to crash. Make sure that your server plan got enough RAM to run the select modpack.
  2. Conflicting mods: Modpacks often contain multiple mods that may not be compatible with each other. If two mods conflict, it can cause the game to crash. Make sure that the mods you're using are compatible with each other, and try removing any conflicting mods.
  3. Corrupted map files: If a world file is corrupted, it can cause the game to crash. 


Open a support ticket if you can't get your server to start, or if you want to install a Modpack not listed