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Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't find an answer, do not hesitate to contact our support by ticket

What is the best Minecraft server hosting ?

The best Minecraft hosting company must be able to provide, at the best price, the most reliable Minecraft servers on global locations with 99.9% uptime and helpful support available to answer any of your questions. They are running the latest game server hardware to provide a lag-free experience to their customers.

How do I host a Minecraft server ?

Choose your game server hosting provider, select the hosting plan you need, your server location, then the version of Minecraft that you want to use. A domain name to easily connect, your server will be up and running within a few minutes. Give your server IP address to your friends to start playing with them.

Learn more about how to make a minecraft server

Is hosting a Minecraft server free ?

Depending on your number of connected players, your world size, and the number of plugins or mods, you may need more. If you install plugins, we recommend at least 3GB, larger maps with plugins or mods generally require 4GB, and if your server has over 50 plugins or some popular mod-packs, we advise to use at least 6GB.
You can instantly upgrade your Plan anytime without losing your data.

Is 2GB of RAM enough for the Minecraft server ?

Depending on your number of connected players, your world size, and the number of plugins or mods, you may need more. If you install plugins, we recommend at least 3GB, larger maps with plugins or mods generally require 4GB, and if your server has over 50 plugins or some popular mod-packs, we advise to use at least 6GB.
You can instantly upgrade your Plan anytime without losing your data.

How to add a whitelist ?

You need to go to your server panel, click to activate the whitelist button, and check that the online mode button is also turned on. You need to validate and restart your server to apply the changes.

Follow this tutorial How to enable the Whitelist ?
How to add plugins ?

You need to change your version to Papermc, Spigot, or Bukkit. Validate and restart your server on the first-panel page.
You can now install plugins using an FTP client, such as WinSCP, with the login/password displayed under the credential page or the plugin manager.
You can follow the tutorial How to install Plugins

What are the hardware specs on servers ?

We use the latest AMD Ryzen 3900X and Ryzen 7900 5.6Ghz processor, SSD NVMe disk, DDR4/DDR5 RAM, and 1 Gbps connection.
If you take the Premium Hardware option, you'll have 6 Cores.
With this setup. You can easily play with the latest modpacks and other heavy plugins.

Check this article for more details about How are assembled your Minecraft Servers.
Which control panel do you use ?

All Minecraft servers use a control panel with a unique design.
We don't use Multicraft; we worked on a single and intuitive panel with just the essentials, so you can quickly apprehend the different server settings.
We provide web FTP to configure files, live console, instant plugins install, backups manager... If you want to learn more about the control panel, follow these "Manage the panel" tutorials.

Where are the servers located ?

We have servers in North America, Europe, and Australia, more precisely, in New York, Dallas, Miami, Los Angeles, Paris, and Sydney.

You can test your latency on : / / / / /

How long does it take to receive my server ?

Setup is instant after we receive the payment. You will get an email in your mailbox with login details of the control panel and the server information.

Why does the server not start ?

Your server can't start for the following reasons:
- The modpack is too recent and requires java 16. (Enable it from the "Settings" menu).
- The installed mod is incompatible with the server side, so you must remove it. (For e.g. "CustomMainMenu").
- The server version is empty. It happens when you upload your custom jar or restore a backup. So use the "SERVER VERSION" selector from the "Settings" menu to get the right one.
- The disk space is full because of some automatic backup files caused by a mod, plugin, or console logs. Remove the logs folder, backups folder with Filezilla, and your FTP access.

What port do you allow for plugins ?

or all your plugins (Votifier, Dynmap, JsonApi), you can use a port between 31000 and 32500. Don't use the same port on all your plugins.
For example, on Votifier, you can use 31050, and on JsonApi, the 31080 port. For more help about Votifier check this guide.

What happens if I don't want to renew my server ?

We don't make automatic billing, so you must manually renew your server's days if you want to keep them. Otherwise, the server will be deleted at the end of the expiration date.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my server ?

You can upgrade or downgrade instantly. This guide can help you.
Be careful when you change your server Plan. You will have to wait five days to be able to change again.

Follow this tutorial How to upgrade or downgrade your Minecraft Server ?
Do you provide a MySQL database ?

We provide MySQL database on all plans except Iron. If you have IRON, you can easily upgrade to a higher offer.
To access the base, go in the "FTP" panel, create a password for your MySQL access and connect with generally this kind of URL:

Follow this tutorial How to Add a MySQL Database to your Server

How to change my Minecraft version ?

You can change your Minecraft version whenever you wish, for example, from Vanilla to FTB Infinity Evolved modpack from the "Version" panel page.

Follow this tutorial How to change your Minecraft server version
My payment is declined by checkout ?

This is mainly because of 3DSecure verification communication fail between your bank and checkout, if so, try with the Paypal credit card option, you don't need a Paypal account, simply select the Credit Card feature on Paypal page.

How to add mods ?

You need to install forge on your server, go to the maintenance page, then select forge. Upload mods on your server in the mods directory of your FTP, using an FTP client like WinSCP, then restart your server.

Follow this tutorial How to Upload Mods and Plugins
How to change server settings ?

You can edit your server settings directly on the first-panel page or directly edit the file located on your web FTP. Don't forget to stop and restart your server to apply the changes.

How to reinstall my server ?

You can factory reset your server on the maintenance page. If you do this, you will lose all your data, so be careful. Note that you can still load a backup if you did by mistake a reinstallation.

Follow this tutorial How to change your Minecraft server version
How to update my modpack & keep my map ?

The best way is to do a manual backup from the maintenance page, followed by a factory reset to install the new modpack version, and then to only load your map from the manual backup just made.

Follow this tutorial How to Update your Modpack to latest version
How to get more memory ?

You can instantly upgrade your plan anytime by clicking Upgrade Plan on the top right of the panel. We won't charge you, but we will reduce the time left on your server for the difference.

I don't find a mod pack in the list.

If you want to install a specific modpack version that is not listed, please open a ticket, and we will add it to the list. We do our best to keep all modpacks updated.

Can I upload my map files ?

You can easily upload any map you want to your server. Just use the FTP access and an FTP client as Filezilla. Follow this tutorial for full steps.

Follow this tutorial How to upload a map to your server with FTP
Can I install BungeeCord on the server ?

Yes you can install BungeeCord, follow this tutorial. You need to upload the 'bungeecord.jar' file with FTP access and Filezilla.
The typical BungeeCord setup is like that:
1 server (proxy) ==> BungeeCord.jar ==> This server just serves as liaison between the other two.
1 server (game) ==> Spigot.jar ==> PVP game for example
1 server (game) ==> Spigot.jar ==> Mini games for example.

Follow this tutorial How to setup a BungeeCord server ?
Can I share my control panel with my friend ?

Yes, you can use the "Manage Access" menu (at the bottom of your panel) to share your control panel with a co-owner.
The co-owner must possess an account on Minecraft-Hosting.Pro. Add the email of the co-owner to the page. You need to use the email he used to create their account.

Follow this tutorial How to add a co-owner in
How I can change the MOTD on the panel ?

You need to use the Formatting Color Codes for your MOTD.

Follow this tutorial How to Change the MOTD on a Minecraft Server.
How can I add a resource pack to the server ?

You need to have a direct download link for the resource pack and to put it in the "Resource pack" box on the "Settings" panel.

Follow this tutorial How to add a resource pack on your server ?
Can I install custom plugins, mods, and modpack ?

You can easily upload everything you want to the server.

Follow this tutorial How to install a custom jar on your server
How to configure a custom Level Type ?

In the "Level Type" box, you have the usual types, but you can enter your Level Type.
Click on the select "New Level Type" and write the name. (For Biomes O' Plenty, write BIOMESOP).

How to activate Query & Rcon on the server ?

To have the Query port, write in the Live Console: enable-query
To have the Rcon port and password, write in the Live Console: enable-rcon
Copy the information and restart the server for changes.

Which payment methods can I use ?

We accept PayPal and all major credit/debit cards (Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, and American Express for ALLOPASS only).
The payment way with Allopass can change depending on your country. You can have an additional cost for Allopass.

How to solve the "Time Out" issue ?

Change the setting in plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml for "opt-out: false" to "opt-out: true".
Only available for Bukkit or Spigot server. Save and restart the server.

How To Fix "Exception In Server Tick Loop" issue ?

Stop your server, open the webftp, and locate the files labeled "ops.json", "whitelist.json" and "usercache.json", Delete them and start your server.