Configuring and managing your server

Managing Permissions nodes with PermissionsEX and LuckPerms

A permission node, also known as a permission or permission level, is a string of text used in various software applications to define what actions a user can or cannot perform. In the context of Minecraft, permission nodes are used to manage permissions for server operators, mods, and plugins. They allow server administrators to control who can access specific features or commands on the server, such as teleportation or the ability to use certain items. Understanding permission nodes is essential for anyone running a Minecraft server, as it enables them to maintain control over their server and ensure that players can only perform actions that they are authorized to do.


How to set up permission nodes using PermissionsEX


Download PermissionsEX

Go to the PermissionsEX website and download the version of the plugin that corresponds to your Minecraft server's version.


Install PermissionsEX

Once you have downloaded the plugin, upload it to your server's "plugins" folder. Then, restart your server to enable PermissionsEX.

You can follow this guide how to install plugins


Configure PermissionsEX

PermissionsEX uses a configuration file called "permissions.yml" to manage permission nodes. Open the file on the WebFTP and add your desired permission nodes to the file. Here's an example of a permission node for the "build" permission:

  - essentials.help
  - essentials.list
  - essentials.motd
  - essentials.rules
  - essentials.build

In this example, the "default" group has permissions for help, list, motd, and rules commands. The "builder" group, on the other hand, has the additional permission to build.


Assign permission nodes to groups

Once you have added your desired permission nodes to the permissions.yml file, you need to assign them to groups. Here's an example of how to assign the "builder" permission node to a group called "builder":

   - essentials.build

In this example, the "builder" group is assigned the "build" permission node.


Assign groups to players

Once you have created groups and assigned permission nodes to them, you need to assign those groups to players. Here's an example of how to assign the "builder" group to a player named "Player1":

   - builder

In this example, the "Player1" player is assigned to the "builder" group.

That's it! You have successfully set up permission nodes using PermissionsEX on your Minecraft server.


Using PermissionEX Commands

Here is an example of how to use PermissionsEX to create a group, set group permissions, add players to the group, and set the default group:

Type "/pex group Moderator create" to create a group called "Moderator".

Type "/pex group Moderator add essentials.kick" to give the "Moderator" group permission to use the "/kick" command.

Type "/pex user JohnDoe group add Moderator" to add a player named "JohnDoe" to the "Moderator" group.

Type "/pex default Moderator" to set the "Moderator" group as the default group for new players who join the server.



How to set up permission nodes on a Minecraft server using LuckPerms


Install the LuckPerms

You can download the plugin from the official Bukkit or Spigot page.

  1. Once the plugin is installed, restart your server to apply the changes.
  2. Open the console or log into the server and type "/lp" to access the LuckPerms command interface


Create a Permission Node

  1. To create a new permission node, type "/lp createpermission <permission node>" in the command line.

    For example, if you want to create a permission node for allowing players to use the command "/fly", you can type "/lp createpermission essentials.fly".


Assign a Permission

  1. After creating the permission node, assign the permission to the relevant group or player.

    For example, to give the "fly" permission to the "default" group, you can type "/lp group default permission set essentials.fly true".
  2. Alternatively, to give the permission to a specific player, you can type "/lp user <username> permission set essentials.fly true".


Remove a Permission Node

  1. To remove a permission node, type "/lp deletepermission <permission node>".
    For example, if you want to remove the "fly" permission node, you can type "/lp deletepermission essentials.fly".


List all Permission Nodes

  1. To view a list of all permission nodes, type "/lp permission list".

    You can also view the permission tree using the command "/lp tree". This will display all permission nodes and their assigned groups/players.


Edit a Permission Node

  1. To modify a permission node, type "/lp permission set <permission node> <setting> <value>".
    For example, if you want to change the permission node "essentials.fly" to allow players to fly in creative mode,
    you can type "/lp permission set essentials.fly world:creative true".


View a Player a Permission Node

  1. To view a player or group's permission nodes, type "/lp user <username> permission info" or "/lp group <group name> permission info".
    This will display all permission nodes assigned to the specified user or group.

LuckPerms is a powerful and flexible permissions plugin that provides a lot of customization options for server administrators. By following these steps, you can easily create, modify, and assign permission nodes to groups and players on your Minecraft server.