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Minecraft Snapshot 25w07a: New Biome, Trade Updates & More!

Feb 16, 2025 · 3 min read

The latest Minecraft Snapshot, 25w07a, introduces a variety of exciting updates and enhancements that enrich the gameplay experience. This snapshot focuses on biome-specific sheep spawning, trade adjustments for cartographers and wandering traders, and several technical improvements.

Biome-Based Sheep Variations

In Snapshot 25w07a, sheep now spawn with wool colors corresponding to their native biomes, adding diversity to the game's ecosystems.

  1. Temperate Biomes: Sheep predominantly have white wool, with occasional black, gray, light gray, or brown variations. The rare pink sheep can still spawn.
  2. Cold Biomes: Black wool is common, while light gray, light blue, blue, and cyan are less frequent. Pink sheep remain a rare occurrence.
  3. Warm Biomes: Brown wool is prevalent, with gray, yellow, orange, and red as uncommon variants. The elusive pink sheep continues to spawn rarely.

This change encourages players to explore different biomes to collect various wool colors, enhancing the game's exploration aspect.

Trade Enhancements for Cartographers and Wandering Traders

The snapshot brings significant improvements to villager interactions, particularly with cartographers and wandering traders.

Cartographer Updates

Cartographers now offer seven new maps, each leading to a village or structure in a distinct biome. This feature assists players in locating specific sites without extensive searching. The available maps and banner colors vary based on the cartographer's village type, providing unique exploration opportunities.

Wandering Trader Improvements

Wandering traders have received a revamp, offering better prices, increased trade options, and larger stock quantities. Notably, they now purchase basic supplies from players, allowing for emerald acquisition through items like water bottles, buckets, milk, fermented spider eyes, baked potatoes, and hay bales. Additionally, their sales inventory may include logs of various types, enchanted iron pickaxes, and potions of invisibility, making interactions more rewarding.

Additional Updates

  1. Bush Mechanics: Bushes now drop only when broken with shears or a tool enchanted with Silk Touch, adding a layer of strategy to resource collection.
  2. Mooshroom Model Update: Both variants of mooshrooms have been visually updated to feature an extruded snout, enhancing their appearance.
  3. Ambient Sound Adjustments: Ambient block sounds in deserts, badlands, and pale gardens have been reclassified from the "Blocks" category to "Ambient/Environment," providing a more immersive auditory experience.
  4. Camel Spawning: Camels now naturally spawn in desert biomes, adding to the fauna diversity and offering new transportation options.
  5. Bundle Availability: Bundles can now be found in some village chests, aiding in inventory management and item organization.
  6. Grass Sound Volume: The volume for grass-breaking sounds has been reduced, creating a more pleasant auditory environment during gameplay.

Technical Changes

Snapshot 25w07a also includes technical updates aimed at improving game performance and developer experience:

  1. Data Pack and Resource Pack Versions: The data pack version is now 67, and the resource pack version is 52, reflecting the latest changes and ensuring compatibility.
  2. Entity Data Adjustments: Several entity data fields have been modified or consolidated to streamline data management and reduce potential errors.
  3. Shader and Post-Processing Updates: Shader program definitions for core shaders and post-processing effects as JSON files have been removed. While the shader programs remain overrideable, developers are advised that overriding core shaders is unsupported and may change as the game's internals evolve.

Bug Fixes

This snapshot addresses numerous bugs, enhancing overall gameplay stability. Notable fixes include:

Corrected issues with end gateways and portals not rendering properly under certain conditions.

Resolved problems with removing specific entity data using commands.

Fixed visual glitches related to the world border when moving near it.

For a comprehensive list of fixes, players are encouraged to refer to the official Minecraft issue tracker once it's back online.

Accessing the Snapshot

To experience these updates, players can install the snapshot by opening the Minecraft Launcher and enabling snapshots in the "Installations" tab. It's recommended to back up existing worlds or run the snapshot in a separate folder to prevent potential data corruption.

For detailed information and to download the snapshot, visit the official Minecraft website.

Stay tuned for future updates as Mojang continues to enhance and expand the Minecraft universe.